Supporting the Westford Chorus
Westford Chorus is a 501(c)3 nonprofit cultural organization. Contributions and sponsorships are always welcome and are tax deductible. Contributions assist with funding the purchase of music, concert hall rental fees, hiring musicians for concert programs, and more.
Please consider a donation in one of the following categories:
- Benefactor, a gift of $1000 or more
- Sponsor, a gift of $500 or more
- Patron, a gift of $250 or more
- Donor, a gift of $100 or more
- Friend, a gift of $25 or more
Checks should be made payable to Westford Chorus and mailed to:
Westford Chorus
Box 515
Westford, MA 01886
Names of supporters are gratefully acknowledged in our next concert program.
Westford Chorus is a member of the Central Mass Choral Consortium.
Advertise your business and support the Westford Chorus.
Please consider placing a tax deductible advertisement for your business in the Westford Chorus Season Ad Booklet. This advertising booklet is distributed to over 600 concert goers each season.
- Find out more about this opportunity for your business.
- Get an Order From to become an advertiser.
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Chorus Members:For extra copies of advertising materials please look the Member Login page.
The Westford Chorus is funded in part by grants from the Chelmsford Cultural Council and the Westford Cultural Council which are local agencies supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Counil, a state agency which also receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts.